1. I am sorry I do not know Swedish, but want to say thank-you for this post. Johan Otto Svensson is my father’s mother’s father. My father’s mother was Karin Svensson and she came to America about 1910. We do not know much about her family in Sturko, so it is good to learn about Johan. Thank-you!

  2. Hello again Roland. we had much snow here in western North Carolina USa for Christmas, and now the temperature is at 50 degrees F in the daytime.
    I meant to tell you before my father, Russell Kurt Hallberg visited Sturko in 1945 before he returned to United States after WWII. He was 20 years old then, fought under General Patton, and was one of the first to open the death camps at Bergen Belsen. His visit to meet his grandfather Johan Otto Svensson is one of his best memories. He stayed for some weeks, and enjoyed meeting his cousins there in Sweden after that difficult time. He is 84 years old now. I have the chance to visit Sweden in 2012 and would like to meet some of my Svensson family if I go.


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